IRPC Annual Report 2023

Community Complaint Management IRPC has set up an Emergency Control Center (ECC) responsible for receiving complaints from the community 24 hours a day. The system administrator will refer the complaints to the relevant units, make a field trip to investigate the cause of grievances and report the results to senior management who will provide guidance, analyze the cause, monitor, and support for remedial action and complaint resolution. The complainant will be informed of the cause of their grievance, the company’s response to the complaint and remedial action. In 2023, the number of complaints decreased by 70% compared to 2022. This was attributed to an improvement in data analysis of complaints enabling the company to identify the root cause of grievance so that corrective actions could be taken leading to complaint resolution. The company also created a Zero Complaint roadmap that provides clarity in the way odor issues will be resolved in the future through short- and long-term solutions. To address odor issues, IRPC has implemented more than 10 projects, such as Enclosed Ground Flare, Wastewater Treatment Closed System, and CPI/API Improvement, etc. IRPC has communicated its environmental actions proactively to stakeholders through various channels, such as holding meetings, seminars, or visits to the community, distributing “Building Relationships” newsletter through community learning centers. The publication covers all new projects pending EIA, projects under construction as well as ongoing projects. IRPC has adopted the 7Rs principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Refuse, Return, and Rethink) and Circular Economy concept to guide our effort to achieve optimum resource management efficiency. The company has conducted R&D in collaboration with waste disposal operators to explore the possibility of recycling or recovery to reduce pollution and to add value to recovered materials. The company also organized activities to promote the 7Rs principles in various operational processes, including major scheduled maintenance, the Green Turnaround Project, featuring Reuse Insulation project that advocates the reuse of used but still functional insulation. In addition to the management of waste at the end of its life cycle, IRPC also implemented a project to improve machinery efficiency to reduce maintenance costs and to keep machines and facilities clean as part of the effort to reduce industrial waste at its source. There is also a campaign to separate waste for recycling, including plastic water bottles used by employees and contractors. In the 2023, major scheduled maintenance, plastic water bottles that have been sorted were delivered to the company’s R&D for experimentation by putting them through extrusion process to produce recycled products. This not only helps promote awareness among employees of the importance of recycling waste materials but also meets the requirements of promoting the implementation of the government’s Circular Economy policy of the government in line with the global trend. Through its operations in 2022, IRPC received 5 Green Industry Awards Level 5, namely BTX, ACB, ABS, PP, and HDPE plants. 150 Business-Driven Sustainability IRPC Public Company Limited