IRPC Annual Report 2023

At IRPC, our unwavering motivation lies in fostering a sustainable future for all. We are committed to crafting top-tier products that not only cater to the demands of modern living but also drive businesses towards a pathway of exponential growth and sustainability. "Embracing a Sustainable Future of Humanity" From Low-carbon Transition to Net Zero Society IRPC leads the way to introduce a comprehensive range of climate actions in response to imminent threats, steering our businesses towards sustainability in a low-carbon society while implementing bold, innovative solutions for natural resource conservation. Climate Resilience and Adaptation Driving Circular Economy to Achieve Global Equilibrium At IRPC, circular economy is an integral part of our business approach that aligns with the Government’s BCG Model of National Sustainable Development Strategy aimed at creating added value by advancing a Bio-Circular-Green Economy, balancing productivity and responsible consumption. Circular Economy Creating Shared Value Fostering Shared Value for a Flourishing Society and Environmental Sustainability IRPC pledges to create shared value, ensuring the prosperity of both society and communities. Our dedication is what drives us to seek optimal solutions for enhancing the quality of life, conserving natural resources and practicing environmental stewardship.