IRPC One Report EN

Business-Driven Sustainability Sustainability Management Policy and Goals Sustainability Management Policy IRPC strives to attain leadership status in driving business growth along the sustainable development pathway. Adhering to a balanced approach to grow business in parallel with good stewardship of natural resources and the environment, we seek to reduce industrial emissions and greenhouse gases and thus contributing to the creation of a low carbon society. IRPC stands ready to foster meaningful relationships with stakeholders, including enhancing the quality of life of the community in line with the local economic and social development and environmental conditions to ensure harmonious business-community coexistence and mutual trust among all stakeholders. IRPC Sustainability Management Policy was established as a practical guideline for the Company in line with internationally accepted standards. The policy also sets out a strategy for the development of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Enhancement that is in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The policy was first announced in 2015 and then revised and expanded in scope in 2019 to cover the creation of sustainability mindset and sustainability management approach encompassing the entire IRPC supply chain. In the latest revision in 2021, the policy was once again expanded to cover sustainability management in the Company’s overseas operations as well. 109 Business-driven sustainability IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED