IRPC One Report EN

Reuse IRPC, as a sustainable petrochemical and oil refining operator, gives utmost priority to management of our environmental impact, focusing on optimization of resources and reduction of production waste by creating an Eco Solution Model for plastic waste management from the production processes to the end of product life to ensure efficient recycling in a closed loop operational system that does not allow post-industrial recycled (PIR) plastic waste to escape. The Company also undertakes to create innovative solutions, adding value to PIR in accordance with the Eco Solution Model in a plastic • “We Care by IRPC” Project As the crisis brought on by COVID-19 pandemic continued to play out, shortage of hospital beds for patients became a severe problem for many health care establishments. To help alleviate the problem to make sure patients receive timely treatments, IRPC collaborated with partners, including Success Plast Co., Ltd., sheets, and RMC Intergroup Co., Ltd., a manufacturer, and distributor of PP BOARD, under “We Care by IRPC” project, to provide beds for field hospitals and isolation centers for patients awaiting treatments. POLIMAXX waste management effort throughout the entire supply chain. In addition, IRPC has also established Collector Network to collect plastic waste from household, commercial, industrial and services sectors, known as Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR), to be sorted according to recycling purposes. Examples of such project include: Recycle Polypropylene (PP) resin was used in the production of such field beds, with properties, such as strength, durability, waterproof, maximum load capacity of 200 kilograms, that can be regularly cleaned and disinfected and repeatedly used for patients for up to two years. These waterproof, lightweight beds can be safely cleaned to remove bodily fluids and then disinfected by disinfectant solutions or heat treatment, do not take up much space, is easily moved, assembled, and can be safely recycled. 148 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021