IRPC One Report EN

These outreach activities cover new projects with pending EIA, projects in construction phase and ongoing projects. Through its operations in 2021, IRPC received 32 Green Industry Awards Level 5; nine factory awards for REFY, COND, LUBE, EBSM, PS, EPS, CCM, UT-IP, PWP; and 23 Green Industry Awards Level 4, including REFY, COND, LUBE, DCC, UHV, EBSM, PS, EPS, CCM, ABS, BTX, ETP, ACB, PRP, HDPE, PP, PTK, CD1, UT-BK, UT-IP, PWP, WWT1&2, WWT3. The Company received the most awards of recognition in this year’s award presentation event. IRPC and the conservation of sea turtle species at Koh Mun Nai IRPC joined the conservation of sea turtle species in collaboration with the Marine Research Center and the Eastern Gulf of Thailand. The first project, Homecoming turtles, in the Footsteps of the Beloved King on December 7, 2016, featuring activities such as trash and litter collection, crowd forming human alphabets to commemorate the death of King Rama IX, and release of hatchlings of two sea turtle species: green and hawksbill turtles. This project is ongoing. of grievance so that corrective actions could be taken leading to complaint resolution. The company also created a Zero Complaint road map that provides clarity in the way odor issues will be resolved in the future through short- and long-term solutions. To address odor issues, IRPC has implemented 10 projects, such as Enclosed Ground Flare, Waste Water Treatment Closed System, and CPI/API Improvement, etc. IRPC has proactively communicated its environmental actions to stakeholders through various channels, such as organizing meetings, seminars or visiting the community, distributing newsletters through community learning centers. 154 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021