IRPC One Report EN

Ongoing Projects This is one of the initiatives under WorkSmart A project aimed to automate repetitive work processes to reduce or replace human input. A pilot was introduced in finance and accounting work processes featuring routine tasks that must be repeated on a regular basis, and some of which need to be done during the night. After the pilot was successfully completed, RPA was expanded to cover all business units, which together implemented RPA in more than 70 processes, achieving total decrease of 28 FTE positions. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Blockchain for Procure-to-Pay (B2P) IRPC has applied Blockchain technology to its procurement, billing, and payment processes to improve competitiveness. Capitalizing on innovation and Fintech, the company is able to increase efficiency in financial transactions. By using the same payment platform, the company is able to effectively control counterparty risk and legal risk. Blockchain technology offers high security and enables the Company to monitor and review data throughout the process. More than 1,000 IRPC’s suppliers have expressed interest to use this Procure-to-Pay system. Supplier IRPC BANK Approved Approved Approved PCA-T2 Autoencoder Prophet (Facebook) Prophet (Facebook) Machine Learning Analytic K-Means Model Retraining Neural Network Linear Classifier Rotating Predictive Maintenance This project harnesses the power of 6,000 sensors surrounding the Rotating Machine to retrieve data for analysis and predict an impending failure before the alarm goes off. Thus, preventing damage and opportunity loss. The system was developed into iPredict Platform, which benefited from IRPC’s earlier project, Developing Advanced Analytics Capabilities, to produce Data Scientists who came up with models for maintenance management. This platform combines various predictive models relating to maintenance work, capable of integrating spare of failure agent that occurs. PO GR INV PO GR INV PO GR INV 132 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 56-1 ONE REPORT 2021